Welcome to Year 2 (Class 4)

 Welcome to our Year 2 class. Your teachers this year are Mrs Ward and Mrs Armstrong


Mrs Ward

Class Teacher

  Mrs Armstrong

Support Staff




In Year 2, we have a positive learning attitude and work hard to achieve our personal goals and targets.  We all try to make the right 'CHOICES' and give a 100% in everything we do. 



Mrs Ward, the class teacher, Mrs Armstrong, the teaching assistants offer challenges and support to all children to ensure they reach their potential in all areas of the curriculum.

We encourage the children to explore the world using their senses and to begin to ask questions about their learning and the world around them.

In our class it's ok to not know, but it's not ok to not try, as we all learn from our mistakes and support one another to achieve and succeed! 

Classroom Environment - 


Our classroom The view from the side of  the classroom. The view from the front of the classroom. Our fantastic Non-fiction books and games for indoor playtimes.
The cloakroom and our PE kits.  The amazing book corner to enjoy reading with our friends.    

Year 2 Timetable

At Rift House we aim for your child to participate in a broad and balanced curriculum. Our timetable shows various opportunities that your child will access daily, including opportunities for mindfulness through Primary Movement and energizers.


*Please be aware this is subject to change.




Things you can support your child with over this half term...

  • Practice counting in 2s, 5s, and 10s forwards and backwards.
  • Practice spellings with your child.
  • Return reading bags daily - Complete reading records at least 3 times a week.
  • Practice using phonic sounds to read unfamiliar words.
  • Ensure PE Kits are in school for -Wednesday and Thursday (White PE T Shirt and Black Shorts)


What we have been up to...

Transition week

During Transition week, we studied read stories about Dragons, learnt about medival times and created our own dragons from junk materials. Our parents and friends of Rift House were invited to join us too. We even played Medieval games and enjoyed a fabulous Medieval banquet.


Year 2 had a great time learning about leading women in History. They really enjoyed their peaceful protest for the Suffregists and making a scrapbook page about Queen Elizabeth.


Aboriginal Art

We created Aboriginal art. We used our fingers and cotton buds to print the patterns.

Science learning 

 We have been enjoying learning about materials and their properties. We have had great fun investigating the absorbency of different materials to see which one is most suitable as a rabbit hutch cover. 


This half term we have looked at Hindusium. We have also explored religious buildings in Hartlepool to compare and contrast their features. 

Summerhill - Magical wands and broomsticks

We visited Summerhill to create our very own broomsticks and magic wands. It was very exciting.  

Summerhill - Life in Victorian Times

Coming soon.... 

Local Area

Year 2 have visited different places in Hartlepool to explore physical and human features for our Geography work. This also linked to our computer unit for this half term, being Digital Photography. We focused on creating landscape and portrait photos as well as photos that were in the distance and close up.