SEND Report


Rift House Primary School

SEND Information Report


  1. What are Special Educational Needs?

The term Special Educational Needs and Disability (SEND) has a legal definition. Children with SEND all have difficulties or disabilities that make it harder for them to learn that most children of the same age. These children may need extra or different help from that given to other children.  Special educational needs and provision can be considered as falling under four broad areas:   

  • Communication and interaction
  • Cognition and learning 
  • Social, emotional and mental health
  • Sensory and/or physical


  1. How does the school know if my child has SEND and what should I do if I think my child has SEND?

We place great importance on identifying SEND early so that we can help children as soon as possible. Teachers are continually observing and get to know the children in their class quickly.  They monitor every child’s progress and if they have any concerns they can discuss these with the SENCo at any time.


In school pupil tracking is used to identify those children who are not making the expected progress. We do not assume that because a child is making slower progress than expected that the child has SEND, but if there are any concerns they will be discussed with the parents/carers as soon as possible.


If you are concerned about how your child is doing at school please talk to either the class teacher or SENCO.


  1. How will the school support my child?

The SENCO is Miss Dunn. Her role is to co-ordinate all the specific provision that is put in place, liaise with the class teachers and, together with all adults involved, monitor a pupil’s progress and well being. Miss Dunn also liaises with a range of external agencies such as speech therapists and educational psychologists who can give us specialised advice.  


The SEND Code of Practice describes how help for children with SEND should be made by a step-by-step or graduated approach in a cycle of Assess – Plan – Do – Review.


ASSESS – The SENCo and class teacher will assess the child’s individual needs, involving external agencies if necessary


PLAN – Teachers will choose the most appropriate way to help each child learn from a range of activities within the classroom, or differentiating the curriculum.  Support can also be offered in the form of group work or interventions with teaching assistants. Parents and carers will be made fully aware and engaged in the planning of support and interventions and, where appropriate, be asked to contribute or reinforce progress at home. 


DO – The interventions are carried out in school and the child is given support to work towards their targets.


 REVIEW – Parents are invited to attend a SEND review in school with Miss Dunn. A discussion will be held about the child’s progress and how well interventions are working. A new plan is put in place to continue the support or change the level of support as needed.


For children who do not make expected progress after school based interventions, the school will liaise with parents and outside agencies to involve the support of other professionals, such as speech therapists and counsellors. Sometimes this will involve completing an Early Help Assessment which is a way to bring together all professionals who are working with a child in both school and from outside agencies, especially health teams. Where, despite the school having taken relevant action to meet the needs of the child, progress is still not achieved, the school and parents can consider requesting an Education Health and Care assessment. At this stage, a child is likely to be assessed by an educational psychologist. If considered appropriate the pupil will have an Education Health Care Plan (known as a ONE plan and previously known as a statement of special needs), which is a statutory plan to ensure that everybody works together to help your child make progress.


  1. How Accessible is the school?

Our school building is fully accessible to wheelchair users and includes a shower area for children who may require intimate care. We also make every effort to ensure children with SEND are included in activities outside of the classroom such as clubs and trips, including residential stays.  Accessability Policy


  1. How will the school prepare for my child to join the school and move on to a new school?

There are a range of transition arrangements in place for all children including parent and child visits to school and a meeting with our Inclusion Officer, Miss Caldwell. Additional arrangements can be implemented depending on individual need. If appropriate then additional resources such as photobooks or holiday packs are provided.


If your child is moving to a new school then our Miss Dunn speaks to the SENCo in the new school  to ensure that they know about your child’s needs and we send your child’s SEND file to the new school as soon as possible.


When children are ready to transfer to secondary school, Miss Dunn meets with the SENCos from the relevant secondary schools to share information and arrange extra visits to the new school for individuals or groups as needed.


  1. How will I know how well my child is doing?

To support a child with SEND teachers will work with the SENCo to produce a SEND Support Plan which will show the individual targets that your child is working towards in school and the support that they will receive. The support plan will be reviewed once each term. Parents and carers are invited to this review. It is important to attend to share your views and your child’s view where appropriate.


  1. How can I be involved?

Where a child is receiving SEN support in school Miss Dunn and/or class teachers will meet with parents/carers termly to set clear targets and review your child’s progress towards them. The SEND Support Plan will outline the personal targets for your child and these can be worked on at home as well as in school. Should you need any advice or strategies on how best to help your child then arrange an appointment with Miss Dunn or your child’s teacher.


  1. Who can I contact for more Information?

Within school the SENCo is Miss Dunn.  If you would like to arrange a meeting, please telephone school on 01429 275239.


The Local Authority have published a ‘Local Offer’ to outline services available to children and their families and to explain what they can expect from a range of local agencies. More information can be found at: