Rift House Primary School
Self Evaluation and Development Plan
Key Issue 1-Leadership and Management:
Parental engagement/academic support
Strengthening governance
Continue to develop and improve quality of teaching in all subject areas
Key Issue 2-Quality of Education:
Reading development + approach to teaching reading across the whole school.
Curriculum- design/opportunity, pedagogy, subject knowledge & use of assessment (including early years)
Improved subject knowledge in all subjects
Fluency in number
Key Issue 3-Personal Development, Behaviour and Attitudes:
Improved health and wellbeing for all
Improved attendance against national comparators
Continue to develop communication strategies –pupil/parent/staff voice
Key Issue 4-Outcomes for Pupils:
Improved outcomes for identified groups of learners across all phases of school (specifically identified in actions)
Early Years % of children on track to show positive progress
Greater depth (especially PP)
Reading APS