Rift House School SEND


At Rift House School, we aim to provide a secure and caring environment where we can meet the needs of every child. We agree with the vision described in the SEND Code of Practice 2014, whereby:

          “Every young child should be given the best opportunity to succeed in life.

           For children with SEN, we all need to make special efforts to ensure this happens, and we all need to remove the barriers many experience as they  

           progress through school and college into adult life.”

We will use our best endeavours to secure the special educational provision called for by a child’s needs and use the additional funding we receive to help make high quality provision for those who need additional support, including those with SEND.

We will identify, assess and make special educational provision for all children with SEND, whether or not they have a statutory assessment of SEN (Education, Health and Care plan known in Hartlepool as the ONE Plan).

As a mainstream school, we will:

  • use our best endeavours to make sure that a child with SEN gets the support they need;
  • ensure that children with SEN engage in the activities of the school alongside pupils who do not have SEN;
  • designate an appropriate member of staff to be responsible for co-ordinating SEN provision;
  • inform parents when making special educational provision for a child;
  • publish detailed information on the school website about the implementation of the SEND Policy.



In line with the Local Authority SEN Policy we adopt the guidance offered in the Special Educational Needs Code of Practice (DfES 2014) for the identification and assessment of pupils with Special Educational Needs. We follow current legislation and guidance including making adjustments in light of ongoing reforms and approaches.


The Local Authority have published a ‘Local Offer’ to outline services available to children and their families and to explain what they can expect from a range of local agencies. More information can be found at:



Wellbeing summary of actions and CPD

September 2020 – July 2021






·       Behaviour risk assessments completed re COVID-19

·       Policy review & COVID-19 amendments

·       Wellbeing assemblies launch

·       KCSIE update to all staff and governors (LD)

·       Staff access remote EP training ‘Supporting Children with Anxiety’

·       All staff access remote CPD ‘Understanding Stress and How to Manage It’


·       Parental Engagement discussion and planning with Indre Kennedy (LC)

·       Wellbeing afternoon in all classes (Frozen themed resources)






·       Wellbeing survey for pupils



·       Discussion with SIP re wellbeing (LD, LC)

·       Weekly wellbeing activities added to remote learning timetables

·       Children’s Mental Health Week – assembly online & resources for children

·       Launch of Jigsaw PSHE

·       Weekly wellbeing phone calls to all pupils



·       Staff wellbeing resources shared with all staff

·       Wellbeing activity booklets for key worker and vulnerable children

·       Wellbeing resources for parents added to website

·       Adrenal Insufficiency Training


·       House points relaunch

·       Relaunch of ‘Talk to the Team’ boxes

·       Wellbeing assemblies resume weekly

·       Mental Health in Children & Young People (LC, KH)

·       Neglect Statement of Intent training (LD)

·       Impact of the Pandemic on Children & Young People (LD)


·       Alliance pupil support begins (referrals for individual pupils needing post lockdown wellbeing support)

·       Alliance & CAMHS deliver transition sessions to y6 pupils

·       Safeguarding update delivered to all staff (LD)


·       Safeguarding day in all year groups

·       Daisy Chain family support sessions begin

·       Person Centred Planning training (LD)

·       Positive Handling training arranged for selected staff

·       Provision Map CPD attended (LD)

·       Foetal Alcohol training (LC)


·       PCP meetings to support transition for Y6  pupils open to social care

·       Provision Map training to staff (LD)


·       Healthy Eating relaunch (LC)

·       Wellbeing Champions Network (LD)

·       Safeguarding Foundation completed (LC)

·       Safeguarding Forum (LD)

·       Neglect Statement of Intent (LC)  



 Rift House School SEND


At Rift House School, we aim to provide a secure and caring environment where we can meet the needs of every child. We agree with the vision described in the SEND Code of Practice 2014, whereby:

          “Every young child should be given the best opportunity to succeed in life.

           For children with SEN, we all need to make special efforts to ensure this happens, and we all need to remove the barriers many experience as they  

           progress through school and college into adult life.”

We will use our best endeavours to secure the special educational provision called for by a child’s needs and use the additional funding we receive to help make high quality provision for those who need additional support, including those with SEND.

We will identify, assess and make special educational provision for all children with SEND, whether or not they have a statutory assessment of SEN (Education, Health and Care plan known in Hartlepool as the ONE Plan).

As a mainstream school, we will:

  • use our best endeavours to make sure that a child with SEN gets the support they need;
  • ensure that children with SEN engage in the activities of the school alongside pupils who do not have SEN;
  • designate an appropriate member of staff to be responsible for co-ordinating SEN provision;
  • inform parents when making special educational provision for a child;
  • publish detailed information on the school website about the implementation of the SEND Policy.



In line with the Local Authority SEN Policy we adopt the guidance offered in the Special Educational Needs Code of Practice (DfES 2014) for the identification and assessment of pupils with Special Educational Needs. We follow current legislation and guidance including making adjustments in light of ongoing reforms and approaches.


The Local Authority have published a ‘Local Offer’ to outline services available to children and their families and to explain what they can expect from a range of local agencies. More information can be found at:



Wellbeing summary of actions and CPD

September 2020 – July 2021






·       Behaviour risk assessments completed re COVID-19

·       Policy review & COVID-19 amendments

·       Wellbeing assemblies launch

·       KCSIE update to all staff and governors (LD)

·       Staff access remote EP training ‘Supporting Children with Anxiety’

·       All staff access remote CPD ‘Understanding Stress and How to Manage It’


·       Parental Engagement discussion and planning with Indre Kennedy (LC)

·       Wellbeing afternoon in all classes (Frozen themed resources)






·       Wellbeing survey for pupils



·       Discussion with SIP re wellbeing (LD, LC)

·       Weekly wellbeing activities added to remote learning timetables

·       Children’s Mental Health Week – assembly online & resources for children

·       Launch of Jigsaw PSHE

·       Weekly wellbeing phone calls to all pupils



·       Staff wellbeing resources shared with all staff

·       Wellbeing activity booklets for key worker and vulnerable children

·       Wellbeing resources for parents added to website

·       Adrenal Insufficiency Training


·       House points relaunch

·       Relaunch of ‘Talk to the Team’ boxes

·       Wellbeing assemblies resume weekly

·       Mental Health in Children & Young People (LC, KH)

·       Neglect Statement of Intent training (LD)

·       Impact of the Pandemic on Children & Young People (LD)


·       Alliance pupil support begins (referrals for individual pupils needing post lockdown wellbeing support)

·       Alliance & CAMHS deliver transition sessions to y6 pupils

·       Safeguarding update delivered to all staff (LD)


·       Safeguarding day in all year groups

·       Daisy Chain family support sessions begin

·       Person Centred Planning training (LD)

·       Positive Handling training arranged for selected staff

·       Provision Map CPD attended (LD)

·       Foetal Alcohol training (LC)


·       PCP meetings to support transition for Y6  pupils open to social care

·       Provision Map training to staff (LD)


·       Healthy Eating relaunch (LC)

·       Wellbeing Champions Network (LD)

·       Safeguarding Foundation completed (LC)

·       Safeguarding Forum (LD)

·       Neglect Statement of Intent (LC)