Mission statement


At Rift House Primary School we are proud to be an inclusive, reflective and responsive school, where we work together to challenge, inspire and motivate all children, regardless of circumstance, to become successful, confident and caring citizens. We work together to create a happy environment where all members of the school community feel safe, can enjoy, achieve and make a positive contribution to the school and the wider community.


Aims and Values


LEARNING: Learning takes place in a wide variety of contexts and is enjoyable, relevant and challenging.


TEACHING: Successful teaching ensures children acquire skills and knowledge in a wide range of subjects and opportunity is given for application of learnt skills and knowledge into larger concepts.


LEADERSHIP AND MANAGEMENT: Highly effective leadership and management inspires, manages and values everyone and supports individual improvement, development and excellence within a professional, collegiate and supportive environment.


CURRICULUM: Tailored to meet the contextual need of the school utilising the ‘SENSES’ approach to allow for ‘real-life' 'first-hand’ experiences to fully embed skills and knowledge and help to prepare children for success in their adult life. From a child’s very first day at Rift House, all the way through to Y6 we support children to make the right ‘CHOICES’ to enable them to grow into well-rounded, motivated individuals.


PUPILS: Confident, enthusiastic and happy learners who take responsibility for their own ‘choices’ who support and respect all members of the school community and school environment.


SCHOOL COMMUNITY: All are considered of equal value and equality of opportunity is created in order to work together enabling access to a wide range of services and support within the community.


RESOURCES/BUDGET/FINANCE: Managed efficiently, effectively and creatively to respond to current and projected need ensuring best value and continuous school improvement.


SCHOOL AND CLASSROOM ENVIRONMENT: A well-planned and resourced environment engenders exciting, interesting and stimulating learning where achievement is maximised for all children.


ETHOS: Everyone is valued and respected: contributions are encouraged, fostered and welcomed and trust alongside support enable risk-taking and challenge

Mission statement


At Rift House Primary School we are proud to be an inclusive, reflective and responsive school, where we work together to challenge, inspire and motivate all children, regardless of circumstance, to become successful, confident and caring citizens. We work together to create a happy environment where all members of the school community feel safe, can enjoy, achieve and make a positive contribution to the school and the wider community.


Aims and Values


LEARNING: Learning takes place in a wide variety of contexts and is enjoyable, relevant and challenging.


TEACHING: Successful teaching ensures children acquire skills and knowledge in a wide range of subjects and opportunity is given for application of learnt skills and knowledge into larger concepts.


LEADERSHIP AND MANAGEMENT: Highly effective leadership and management inspires, manages and values everyone and supports individual improvement, development and excellence within a professional, collegiate and supportive environment.


CURRICULUM: Tailored to meet the contextual need of the school utilising the ‘SENSES’ approach to allow for ‘real-life' 'first-hand’ experiences to fully embed skills and knowledge and help to prepare children for success in their adult life. From a child’s very first day at Rift House, all the way through to Y6 we support children to make the right ‘CHOICES’ to enable them to grow into well-rounded, motivated individuals.


PUPILS: Confident, enthusiastic and happy learners who take responsibility for their own ‘choices’ who support and respect all members of the school community and school environment.


SCHOOL COMMUNITY: All are considered of equal value and equality of opportunity is created in order to work together enabling access to a wide range of services and support within the community.


RESOURCES/BUDGET/FINANCE: Managed efficiently, effectively and creatively to respond to current and projected need ensuring best value and continuous school improvement.


SCHOOL AND CLASSROOM ENVIRONMENT: A well-planned and resourced environment engenders exciting, interesting and stimulating learning where achievement is maximised for all children.


ETHOS: Everyone is valued and respected: contributions are encouraged, fostered and welcomed and trust alongside support enable risk-taking and challenge